Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Published December 30, 2015 by Anonymous with 0 comment

Deep Dark Ocean

Deep Dark Ocean

This was my first collaboration with KPhoto (Kamila Konaniec), and as you might now, first collaborations are more stressful. Unfortunately my type of beauty must be photoshooting with someone who know how to catch it, in other way I can look totally like potato and not like myself.



alternative nugoth gothic goth black lips czarne usta sylwester new year eve dress top shop sukienka histerya hades footwear buty shoes juana de loca ombre long hair długie włosy zdrowe proste piercing septum modelka tatuaże polska tattoo model z tatuażami silverwolfie długie nogi legs evil devil occult ootd tumblrgirl tumblr girl sexy heels okultyzm mrok dark fashion high punk rock leather jacket bershka ramoneska skóra lookbook


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