Saturday, December 2, 2017

Published December 02, 2017 by Anonymous with 0 comment

My Fun Eighties Book is Here!

After doing a ton of chemo last year, and getting through the haze of January, I started writing this fun eighties book in February. It brightened every day of 2017 for me, up until I finished it in October of this year. It is long, it is detailed and it is a love letter to a decade I very much enjoyed.

This book is historical fiction-- meaning that the story and the characters are made up, but all of the fashion, world events, music, etc. are all accurate for each decade/chapter of the book. It took a ton of research, and believe me, there are very few places to find out exactly what people wore in 1987!  Anyway, I threw a ton of snark in it, and also lots of warm fuzzies. Check it out on Amazon, in Kindle or paperback, here =)


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