Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Published August 29, 2012 by Anonymous with 0 comment

Book on the Hair Band Days

"Just finished reading The Sunset Strip Diaries and absolutely LOVED it! I was actually sorry to finish because that would mean not finding out what happens tomorrow! Amy Asbury is one of the most exciting writers I have had the pleasure to experience. Her life story (so far) was one giant thrill ride set in the 80's/90's on the strip when it was filled with rockers, bimbos,backstage passes and non-stop excitement. Amy captures her experiences in such a way that I felt like I got to live her crazy life too. Buy it! You won't be disappointed! "

"A most epic journey from the 80's/90's.....a very powerful, harrowing look at the life and times of a struggling girl/woman, looking to find herself. Recommended reading for not only music lovers of the 80's/90's era, but also for women, as there are so many references to look back on and remember. I am a guy (that still listens to Hair Metal/Hard Rock today at the age of 43) who grew up during this period and loves all the stories and name-dropping that went on during those days. I can only imagine if I was a woman, and might have understood a little more on some of the "feminine" things and feelings that girls go through. Very highly recommended"

"If you love the genre/era of the Sunset Strip days and you like a honest-to-goodness true account of what went on (while dropping names left and right), then you NEED to read this book."

" There were so many times I wanted to be there but just as many when I didn't. It was a real page-turner and the only disappointment was that the book had to end..."

"At times hilarious, heart-wrenching, and poignant. I devoured it in 2 days and then immediately bought the sequel.."

"Both of Amy's books blew me away and will always be in my top 10 favorite reads"

"Struggles, laughter, sadness, craziness, honesty: just like The Dirt, Slash, Hagar and books of the like, this one will bring you in and provide all the entertainment you'll need.."

From the Author

Q: Who do you feel will enjoy reading this book and why?

Amy: "I think anyone who had a tough time being a teenager will like it, or anyone who wants to be entertained reading about a life completely different from theirs. And there is a certain part of the population who like the 80s hair bands- I did a lot of name dropping, so that should be fun for them."

Q: Were you ever hesitant about sharing so much and letting people in at such a personal level? Did you ever consider not sharing so much personal experience and focus more on what was going on around you?

Amy: "I considered not sharing so much, but when you're doing a memoir, you have to go big or go home; you have to be honest about your life. Well, that's how I feel anyway!"


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